Friday, June 20, 2008

Return call

This one's really unusual man. I dunno, it seems weird. Just a couple of months ago, blogging was one part of my life that I can't seem to stop. Now I check my Blogger Dashboard and see that I haven't written anything since March 19th and that's 3 fucking months man. That's quite a surprise. But lesson learned, there are things that we are used to doing, stuff that we normally can't live without but if we stop and look and divert our attention to other things then those things that we usually think of as very important parts of our lives turn into something that used to be very important parts of our lives and the craziest thing about it is that when we look back, look back to things we have said, done and all that shit we could all say "Was that really necessary? doesn't seem like it.

Point is, I just used the blogging reference to open up something that has been buried alive for months, to talk about it for hopefully one last time. What's funny is that, I used to dedicate almost every single letter of my former writings to this vice, this habit and addiction that I thankfully buried alive over the past few months and now, I'm talking about that addiction for one last time before I bury it 6 feet under and leave everything behind as to what others refer to as what used to be.

And with that being said, I guess I can say I'm very proud of myself. For finally regaining my senses, for finally realizing that clinging on to an old addiction, to an old vice is leading me nowhere and is killing me softly in the process. And now I can finally say, freely say, whole heartedly say.. I'm fucking done with you. I am finally burying you, alongside everything that what has bothered me in the past, every word, every entry and every time spent together.. it's all down there together. And here I am, 6 feet above you, smiling, with a shovel on one hand... as I slowly bury everything. Everything.



On other news, Highfiber is fucking back baby! Apparently, Luis can't take more of the bugging by a few members over at his site at Guttervomit. It is back to his old shitty colors and oh am I glad to see a few of the members that were eaten alive by version zero back. Kudos to Luis for building that site up again.


Anonymous said...

your growing up indeed :)

Anonymous said...


hehe. oopsie.